Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Vanessa CASTAGNA (Università Ca’ Foscari de Veneza, Italy)

Antologias de contos estrangeiros em Portugal nos anos 40 e 50 do século XX

In the 1940s and 1950s, Portugal saw an increase in the number of short story anthologies written by foreign authors and published by houses that played an important role in the popularization of translated literature, among which Portugália Editora stood out.
Consistently with the approach typically used in translation descriptive studies, the aim of this work is to analyze the collections published in Portugal during those twenty years, highlighting the following aspects: the existence of specific series of short story anthologies, the foreign literary texts translated into Portuguese, the selection process, the direct or indirect translation from and into different languages, the presence of introductions or prefaces possibly written by the translators, any additional information given by the titles of the collections, and the impact of the translated collections on the popularization or the creation of a canon.
Secondarily, the analysis focuses on the translator of the Portuguese version of the stories, who was frequently also the editor of the anthology, back in a time when many translators were writers themselves (including renowned poets such as Fernando Pessoa, Cabral do Nascimento, Jorge de Sena).

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