Sunday, April 25, 2010

Programme ajustments

Please note that some adjustments had to be made to the programme.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Conference Programme

International Conference
Translation in 19th- and 20th-century anthologies and collections
6-7 May 2010

6 May

9.30h-10.15h Opening session
Room Exposições

10.15h-11.00h Lieven D’hulst
Formes et fonctions des anthologies et collections de traductions
en langue française (1800-1850)

Chair: Teresa Seruya

11.00h-11.30h Coffee break
Room Exposições

Anthologizing Weltliteratur
Chair: Patricia Odber Baubeta

Poetry Anthologies as Projects of Weltliteratur. A Cultural Translational Approach - Ana Maria Bernardo

Critical Translation Anthologies and the Case of Literary Translations in Iran – Hashemi & Faridi

The Short Story in English meets the Portuguese Reader: A Contribution Toward the ‘External History’ of Portuguese Anthologies of Short Stories Translated from English – Alexandra Assis Rosa

Antologias de contos estrangeiros em Portugal nos anos 40 e 50 do século XX – Vanessa Castagna

Room Timor
National and Local Literatures in Anthology
Chair: Cristina Goméz Castro

Antologias, tradução e a busca do reconhecimento além-fronteiras. O caso madeirense – Fournier & Santos

From silence to eloquence: perspectives on the anthology Poesia alemã traduzida no Brasil – J. Azenha Júnior

Translation of Polish literary and non-literary texts on the Portuguese book market: publishing houses, anthologies and collections – Hanna Pięta

Anthologies of British Literature in Portugal and Hungary between 1949 and 1974 – Zsofia Gombár

14.00h-15.30h Lunch break

Room Exposições
15.30h-16.15h Martha Cheung
Academic Naval-gazing or a Postcolonial Imperative? –
Pages from the Notebook of a Translation Anthologist

Chair: Maria Lin Moniz

16.15h-16.30h Coffee break

Room Exposições
Non-Literary Anthologies
Chair: Alexandra Assis Rosa

Anthologies on translation in Spain and Portugal: a critical review – Sabio Pinilla

Anthologizing Brazilian Discourse on Translation – Márcia Martins

Philosophical collections, translation and censorship – Uribarri Zenekorta

Room Timor
16.30h - 19.00h
Chair: Carmen Camus

Developing a Poetry Collection in a Virtual Forum: A Case Study – Jeffrey Childs

Antologias de nonsense – Conceição Pereira

Upgrading the sebenta: the collaborative anthology in the literary translation course – M. Vale de Gato

English-Spanish Translations of Poetry Anthologies in Franco's Spain - Sergio Lobejón Santos.

20.00h Conference dinner


7 May

Room Exposições
10.00h-10.45h João Almeida Flor
Tradução e lógica empresarial na viragem para o século XX
Chair: Christine Zurbach

10.45h-11.15h Coffee break

Room Exposições

Censoring Adventurers, Aliens and Cowboys
Chair: José A. Sabio Pinilla

Between Translation and Authorship: the Invention of the Other – Maria Lin Moniz

The Reception of Anthologies of Science Fiction and Horror & Terror Tales in the Last Years of Francoist Spain: Censoring Aliens and Monsters – Cristina G. Castro

The Censored Discourse in Anthologies and Collections of the Far West – Carmen C. Camus

Room Timor
Anthologies, Censorship and Power
Chair: Hanna Pięta

From „Russian obligatory” to „Russian unnecessary” – The rise and fall of an anthology initiative – Zsuzsa Hetényi

Translating German Poetry in French during the Occupation (1940-44): the Anthology of R. Lasne and G. Rabuse (1943) – Christine Lombez

The importance of being anthologized. Oscar Wilde as a case study for a reflection on anthologies of translated literature – Ana Teresa Santos

Os ramos de flores de Oscar Wilde no jardim português – Maria Lúcia Diogo Ayres d'Abreu

13.45h-15.00h Lunch break

Room Exposições

15.00h-15.45h Patricia Baubeta
Treachery and double crossings: when adult fiction is translated for children
Chair: J. Ferreira Duarte

15.45h-16.00h Coffee break

Room Exposições

Anthologizing the Orient
Chair: Ana Maria Bernardo

Extra-European Literatures in Anthology During the New State – Teresa Seruya

Cancioneiro chinês: The First Portuguese Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry – Marta Pinto

Canon Wars: The Vintage Book of Indian Writing vs. The Picador Book of Modern Indian Literature – Ana Mendes

18.30h Closing session

Hotel and Venue Information

Please click on the title above to Hotel and Venue Information.
You can also check the homepage of the Faculty of Human Sciences


Registration fees (until 31 March 2010):
Speakers – 60€;
Participants – 70€;
Students – 35€
Late registrations (after 31 March 2010) - 100€
Payment by bank transfer:
NIB 003300000017013412105
IBAN PT50 0033 0000 0017 0134 1210 5
By cheque endorsed to:
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
and sent to:Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura,
A/C Rosário Lopes
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Faculdade de Ciências Humanas
Palma de Cima, 1649-023 Lisboa

Please send us a copy of the bank transfer document to the Conference e-mail

For CECC and CEAUL researchers there is no registration fee.

João ALMEIDA FLOR (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

Tradução e lógica empresarial na viragem para o séc. XX.

Ensaiando metodologias que aproximam os Estudos de Tradução da História do Livro e da Leitura, partimos da análise do catálogo de editoras portuguesas de grande projecção no período em apreço, para caracterizar o circuito das (para)literaturas traduzidas, nas suas fases de produção, distribuição e consumo.

Mediante um estudo de caso, procuramos entender como as relações de procura e oferta no mercado cultural contribuiram para condicionar a selecção de autores, géneros e formas, susceptíveis de maior êxito e popularidade, além de imporem normas translatórias específicas e configurações tipográficas adequadas.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Conference Programme

International Conference
Translation in 19th- and 20th-century anthologies and collections
6-7 May 2010

6 May

9.30h-10.15h Opening session
Room Exposições

10.15h-11.00h Lieven D’hulst
Formes et fonctions des anthologies et collections de traductions
en langue française (1800-1850)
Chair: Teresa Seruya

11.00h-11.30h Coffee break
Room Exposições
Anthologizing Weltliteratur
Chair: Patricia Odber Baubeta

Poetry Anthologies as Projects of Weltliteratur. A Cultural Translational Approach - Ana Maria Bernardo

Critical Translation Anthologies and the Case of Literary Translations in IranHashemi & Faridi

The Short Story in English meets the Portuguese Reader: A Contribution Toward the ‘External History’ of Portuguese Anthologies of Short Stories Translated from EnglishAlexandra Assis Rosa

Antologias de contos estrangeiros em Portugal nos anos 40 e 50 do século XXVanessa Castagna

Room Timor
National and Local Literatures in Anthology
Chair: Cristina Goméz Castro

Antologias, tradução e a busca do reconhecimento além-fronteiras. O caso madeirense Fournier & Santos

From silence to eloquence: perspectives on the anthology Poesia alemã traduzida no BrasilJ. Azenha Júnior

Translation of Polish literary and non-literary texts on the Portuguese book market: publishing houses, anthologies and collectionsHanna Pięta

Anthologies of British Literature in Portugal and Hungary between 1949 and 1974Zsofia Gombár

14.00h-15.30h Lunch break

Room Exposições
15.30h-16.15h Martha Cheung
Academic Naval-gazing or a Postcolonial Imperative? –
Pages from the Notebook of a Translation Anthologist
Chair: Maria Lin Moniz

16.15h-16.30h Coffee break

Room Exposições
Non-Literary Anthologies
Chair: Alexandra Assis Rosa

Anthologies on translation in Spain and Portugal: a critical reviewSabio Pinilla

Anthologizing Brazilian Discourse on Translation Márcia Martins

Philosophical collections, translation and censorshipUribarri Zenekorta
Room Timor
16.30h - 19.00h
Chair: Carmen Camus

Developing a Poetry Collection in a Virtual Forum: A Case StudyJeffrey Childs

Antologias de nonsenseConceição Pereira

Upgrading the sebenta: the collaborative anthology in the literary translation courseM. Vale de Gato
English-Spanish Translations of Poetry Anthologies in Franco's Spain - Sergio Lobejón Santos.
20.00h Conference dinner
7 May

Room Exposições
10.00h-10.45h João Almeida Flor
Tradução e lógica empresarial na viragem para o século XX

Chair: Christine Zurbach

10.45h-11.15h Coffee break

Room Exposições

Censoring Adventurers, Aliens and Cowboys
Chair: José A. Sabio Pinilla

Between Translation and Authorship: the Invention of the OtherMaria Lin Moniz

The Reception of Anthologies of Science Fiction and Horror & Terror Tales in the Last Years of Francoist Spain: Censoring Aliens and MonstersCristina G. Castro

The Censored Discourse in Anthologies and Collections of the Far WestCarmen C. Camus

Room Timor

Anthologies, Censorship and Power
Chair: Hanna Pięta

From „Russian obligatory” to „Russian unnecessary” – The rise and fall of an anthology initiativeZsuzsa Hetényi

Translating German Poetry in French during the Occupation (1940-44): the Anthology of R. Lasne and G. Rabuse (1943)Christine Lombez

The importance of being anthologized. Oscar Wilde as a case study for a reflection on anthologies of translated literatureAna Teresa Santos

Os ramos de flores de Oscar Wilde no jardim portuguêsMaria Lúcia Diogo Ayres d'Abreu

13.45h-15.00h Lunch break

Room Exposições

15.00h-15.45h Patricia Baubeta

Treachery and double crossings: when adult fiction is translated for children
Chair: J. Ferreira Duarte

15.45h-16.00h Coffee break

Room Exposições


Anthologizing the Orient
Chair: Ana Maria Bernardo

Extra-European Literatures in Anthology During the New StateTeresa Seruya

Cancioneiro chinês: The First Portuguese Anthology of Classical Chinese PoetryMarta Pinto

Canon Wars: The Vintage Book of Indian Writing vs. The Picador Book of Modern Indian Literature Ana Mendes

18.30h Closing session